Le mie aree di competenza sono salute e benessere, crescita professionale, scopo della vita, relazioni. Ogni persona è unica e io collaboro con te per creare il tuo programma personalizzato che funziona con la tua personalità, i tuoi obiettivi e la tua situazione attuale.

Il mio background di tennista professionista, dirigente aziendale globale di Disney, coach certificato e terapista e consulente del benessere ayurvedico mi consente di comprendere le tue lotte più profonde e aiutarti a navigare verso il raggiungimento di una risoluzione organica appagante, che eleva in modo significativo il tuo livello di coscienza e risultati nel complesso nuova esperienza di vita.


Se sei interessato a sapere come l’Ayurveda Wellness Coaching può aiutare la tua situazione individuale contattami qui

Diretta di Olya Novikova

ore 19:30 3 GIUGNO

Sarò in diretta sul gruppo Fb “Bridges of Light – Ponti di Luce” sull’argomento Ayurvedica. Per ascoltare l’intervista è necessario iscriversi al gruppo Fb “Bridges of Light”.

Se sei interessato, unisciti a Bridges of Light. È richiesta l’iscrizione a questo gruppo prima dell’evento.

Io credo che ogni persona sia unica e meriti un approccio personalizzato. Avere un background interculturale e inter funzionale e parlare inglese, italiano e russo mi aiuta a creare relazioni speciali e profonde con i miei clienti.
Credo che il percorso di Coaching possa aiutarti ad ottenere la maggiore chiarezza nella tua situazione della vita e condurti con coraggio verso i tuoi obiettivi, qualunque sia la condizione attuale in questo momento. Ti guida alla trasformazione personale dove diventerai una persona più consapevole, autentica, felice e responsabile della propria vita.
Credo che l’Ayurveda possa affrontare la tua particolare condizione aiutandole a radicarti e bilanciare i tuoi sistemi interni e le tue energie interiori portandoti al tuo stato ottimale di salute fisica, emotiva e spirituale.

Con affetto
Olya Novikova


Coaching ayurvedico
per la salute e
il benessere

Programma di coaching per il benessere nel lavoro

Corsi e workshop

Massaggi e trattamenti ayurvedici

“Poiché nei tempi antichi l’Ayurveda è stato concepito e insegnato da alcuni saggi, certi studiosi sostengono che l’Ayurveda ha un inizio.

In effetti non è così, non si conosce un periodo in cui l’Ayurveda non fosse esistente e dopo il quale venne alla luce.

Come il calore del fuoco e la liquidità dell’acqua, l’Ayurveda o scienza della vita è cosa innata e per esistere non ha bisogno di alcuno sforzo da parte degli umani”.

(Caraka Saṃhitā Sū. – XXX,27)

Certificazione Coaching

ICF Credentials and Standards
Associate Certified Coach

Certificazione Perfect Health Teacher Certification

Perfect Health™ Ayurvedic Lifestyle Instructor  (Visualizza il pdf)

Prenota un trattamento ayurvedico oppure la tua prima sessione di coaching


Cosa dicono di me

Saraswathi P. | India

April 27, 2021

"I am grateful to Olya for her time and patience. At the start of the session, I felt chaotic and perplexed. As the session progressed, I started to feel light in my head and I felt offloaded. Simple technique suggested by Olya during the session made me feel more centered and connected. At the end of the session, I was able to introspect and come up with a better version of myself. Most importantly, I was glad to see myself on track. I appreciate Olya's professionalism, composure and her ability to help me get to the point. Olya, wishing you success, peace and strength in all you do!! Warm Regards, Sara"

Rekha Menon | Mumbai

April 10, 2021

"Olya has helped me connect to my inner wisdom making it easier to navigate paths that I chose for myself but found difficult to stay on course with. She supported me with tools to gain clarity on my purpose and identify ways to stay committed to it. She brought in a unique energy to our sessions which allowed me to explore without hesitation and be challenged in a supportive manner for my own learning and growth."

Evelyn M | Modena, Italy

Gen 10, 2021

"I got to meet Olya at a webinar she offered on Ayurveda and was struck by the clarity of her explanations, her empathy and the straightforwardness and intuitive wisdom of Ayurveda itself. I decided to seek her guidance to get to know more about Ayurveda and start my own path, and she has been wonderful all the way. An amazingly intuitive listener, wise and insightful with her feedback, clear in her explanations and deeply caring, following up regularly on how I was doing, making me feel she was there to support me throughout my journey. I would definitely recommend her services to anyone seeking guidance and support through a path of healing and self-discovery"

Valeria N | Milan

April 1, 2021

"Olya è molto professionale e preparata. Ho assistito a due seminari sull'Ayurveda e li ho trovati davvero molto interessanti! Ogni argomento è stato trattato con semplicità e chiarezza, ma allo stesso tempo in modo approfondito e soprattutto analizzato da vari punti di vista. Complimenti!"

Prakash R | Bangalore

April 10, 2021

"It was profound experience having ayurvedic coaching with olya. Her way of working is warm, calming and professional. The best part was, she was able to connect across the culture with me. I would absolutely recommend her for anyone who is looking for guidance and leverage on self discovery."

Alina D. | Milan

Dec 20 2020

"Sto seguendo un percorso di coaching con Olya da circa un anno. Con grande capacità di ascolto ed empatia, mi ha guidata alla consapevolezza, a valutare le situazioni anche da punti di vista diversi, che da sola non avrei considerato. Mi ha accompagnata all'accettazione di me stessa, alla comprensione delle mie emozioni, alla riscoperta delle mie qualità, in un viaggio interiore che mi ha resa sempre più forte e serena. A complemento del mio percorso, ho anche iniziato con lei la terapia ayurvedica, molto rigenerante e riequilibrante a livello psico-fisico. Grazie Olya del tuo prezioso aiuto nella mia rinascita!"

Elmostafa A | Chicago

Aug 24 2020

"It was very inspiring talking with Olya. She is a great listener, I really feel heard, and that has been key to gain back my confidence. Talking with Olya has been a great blessing to me, she was been remarkably supportive, gentle and compassionate yet skillfully adept at helping me focus on who I am, what is really important to me, what stands in my way and ignore any tentative that try minimize me or diminish my self image, and what next steps I want and need to take to keep my confidence and keep achieving my goals. Thank you so so much Olya and definitely I will reach out to you to go deep with this conversation."

Smita R | Bangalore

Aug 26 2020

"Olya is a brilliant Coach. She has a great ability to ask questions which helps in connecting the dots. Being an empathetic person that she is, makes one feel listened to. Olya partners extremely well in the Coaching conversation. She is also an Ayurveda practitioner, which makes her connect well to the roots and similarly she is able to connect to the Client at the deepest level. Thank you Olya. All the very best for your onward journey. "

Sameer N. | Dubai

Aug 29 2020

"Olya has coached me on several occasions on professional matters, primarily related to life and leadership lessons. Olya combines a strong conceptual and theoretical foundation with warm human qualities such as empathy, openness, listening and crucially excels at creating a non-evaluative space where I could reflect, observe and generate creative solutions. Olya maintains rigour and discipline in the process and brings her worldview of experience in several MNCs in different parts of the world, her personal insights into growth and passion for holistic development to bear in her work with clients. I would recommend Olya for anyone who is seriously looking for a coach to help them on their journey forward. "

Prem A. | Karnataka

Dec 18 2020

"I would like to acknowledge Olya for her empathy, patience and ability to bring in a transformational difference to me during our session. She is kind as she is intuitive and was able to connect with me across culture and location. Thank you Olya for your presence. Warm Regards"

Libby D. | Great Britain

Nov 17 2020

“My coaching experience with Olya was excellent. She put me at ease, we found a real connection straight away and she provided real insight into the sessions. I found her to be one of the most intuitive coaches I have had the pleasure to work with.
She used different techniques to help me understand the issues I have been working through to a much deeper level, all in a safe and supportive space.
She seemed to “read my mind” on occasion but equally challenged me to look at things differently too. A great experience and highly recommended.”